Our organisation reflects an historically typical organisational make up of a STEM* retail business, namely a predominantly male leadership team. Consequently, we currently have a more meaningful amount of men than women in senior positions.
We have a policy of attracting capable women into our business and an equal right of opportunity to compete for the same roles as men.
But real things take real time and the hard truth is that we have found it incredibly difficult to attract women, or encourage women, within the organisation to apply for senior roles. We will continue to do our best to provide encouragement, support and equal opportunity for all and, in time, expect our efforts will result in a more appropriate blend of men and women in senior posts.
To that end, we continue to take a targeted approach and will be reviewing and implementing policies and plans that will gradually start to have an impact and drive a much-needed change over the next 5 years. However, we must not be complacent and accept that we could see some years where our gap will either remain the same or increase before it starts to get better.
I am personally committed to equal opportunity and I know, at first hand, the value and insight a blend of capable men and women working together can bring to an organisation such as ours. I am determined to work with my team to continue to drive the momentum.
It is important that VictoriaPlum.com reflects the diversity of the customers and communities we serve and becomes an employer of choice for both men and women. I confirm that the information provided is accurate and in line with the mandatory requirements.
Paul McClenaghan, Chief Executive Officer, VictoriaPlum.com
*STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing.
View our gender pay gap reporting on Gov.uk.
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