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Trend update: Soft furnishings
Style guides

Trend update: Soft furnishings

Posted by Nicky Kingston in Style guides | 8 years ago 4 min read

Whatever type of interior style you're into, you really can't beat soft furnishings to bring a room to life.

Whether you're adding a range of colourful scatter cushions, a luxuriously deep rug or that perfectly-placed throw, soft furnishings are fast-becoming a crucial element in any room design. In this article, I'll be looking at this growing trend and giving you some great ideas on how to accessorise your own home with soft furnishings.


As the old saying goes, you can never have too many cushions!

What do we mean by "soft furnishings"?

There are three main items that we would call “soft furnishings” and they are:

  • Cushions
  • Throws
  • Curtains

They all help to build the style or theme you are trying to create.

Cushions are such a simple way of adding colour to any room, they work perfectly in a bedroom, living room or even a home office space. They come in a multitude of sizes, shapes, colours, patterns and even textures so you have plenty to choose from.

Throws are multi-functional. They are great for adding colour or pattern into a room, but then they are also perfect for wrapping up in when the weather is a bit rubbish (which, let's face it, happens a lot here in the UK)!

Curtains help to frame the natural light that enters your room, but they are also great at reflecting the colours or patterns that are already being used within your space.


Give your bed some extra texture, by throwing on a throw

Within these areas, there are a few stand out trends that we have been able to pick out and have fallen in love with….

Trends in soft furnishings


There isn't one single colour that is trending this season, but a combination of many - multiple tones of blue and greens with highlights of fluoro yellows is a personal favourite. Something that we are seeing a lot of is colour combinations that represent galaxies or underwater scenes.

Another combination we are seeing all over is earthy tones with botanical influences within the patterns. This leads us perfectly to our next trend spot...

3D details

3D details are another feature we are seeing a lot of, whether that is in the form of an embroidered pattern, embellished designs or even pom-poms attached. The theme that keeps emerging is the link back to the ocean with influences from wave movements and marine creatures.

Tactile materials

This season is all about the feel of things; items that you see and feel the need to touch straight away.

Do you have favourite soft furnishings in your home? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Author, Nicky Kingston

Posted by Nicky Kingston in Style guides | 8 years ago

Nicky is our resident Stylist and loves bringing new and exciting bathroom trends to life. Nicky’s passion for design led to a 1st class degree in Surface Design & Textiles, before earning a reputation as a home stylist in London.

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